Friday, June 24, 2011

Our P Party

Kindergarten have been working extremely hard this term learning our single sounds and now we can even read some words. Last week we learnt about the letter and sound P. As a reward for our hard work, we celebrated on Monday with a P Party.  St Paul's was alive with little pirates, princesses, punks, parrots and even Power Rangers. Here's a sneak peek of how cute we all looked, more photos will follow next week.... (Click on the link below for more special pictures...)

Sunday, June 19, 2011


St. Paul's students have been lucky enough to be involved in a project with Mac1 where we have a bank of MAC laptops in the year 6 classroom. Recently, KM worked with the Year 6 students to prepare a podcast each. This was a very exciting and beneficial activitity. Kindergarten learnt how to add photos and record their voices on a podcast. The Kinders loved working with the Macs and their Year 6 helpers were very patient and helpful. Thank you Mr Burgess and Year 6!

Click on the link to go to more images of our learning activity...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Kinder and Year 1 Athletics Fun Day....

Kinder and Year One travelled to Walka Water Works this week to participate in a Mini Athletics Fun Day. We tried all types of different events, we had running races, crab walk races, 3 legged races and played ball games such as under and over ball. We also played Stuck in the Mud which was lots of fun!
A lot of mums and dads and family members joined us and they were a great help on the day. Next year, we will have to have a Parents Race :)
At the end of the day, Kindergarten went for a lovely walk around the dam and we saw some turtles and ducks. It was a fantastic day but we were exhausted by the end of it!
Thank you to everyone who joined us and thank you to Mrs Schofield for the photos in the slideshow below.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!

On Friday we gathered together to celebrate Mother's Day with a beautiful, reverent liturgy organised by Early Stage 1 and Stage 1. Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us in our prayer service.
In Kinder we have been talking a lot about our mums and how special they are. It is wonderful to hear the reasons why the children love their Mums, ranging from because she cooks good dinners to because she is just beautiful! We talked about how some Mums work at home and some Mums work in other places. This was a great conversation, especially about the Mum who goes to work to talk on the phone to her friends and the Mum who works at home because they have so many dishes to wash. No matter what the response was, the love these little people have for their Mums is unconditional and never ending.
We hope you all had a great day today!

Have a great Mother's Day everyone x0x0

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kindergarten Easter Liturgy

At the end of a very busy first week back, our school community gathered for an Easter Liturgy led by Kindergarten. We celebrated that Jesus had risen on Easter Sunday and acted out the Gospel reading. We enjoyed singing the Easter Alleluia hymn.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Kinder Assemblies

Over the last few weeks, both KW and KM have been busy preparing and presenting their class assemblies. This is such an exciting time for both classes (and a little bit stressful for the teachers :) ) The children enjoyed singing the Hello and I am Special songs and presenting their artwork to you. KM especially enjoyed dancing to the Hi 5 song- L. O .V .E. and KW loved acting out the Farmyard Concert.... what noisy animals we had!
A BIG thank you to all the families who were able to join us and if you were not, we hope you enjoy seeing our photos.




Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fr Silas visits St Paul's.

Last Friday, we were fortunate enough to have Fr Silas visit us from Nepal. He told us a lot about his country and people. We liked hearing about Mt Everest.
Fr Silas does a lot of good work for Caritas and Project Compassion. We talked about sponsoring a child and how our money helps the future of lots of children. He asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up... There are a lot of future policemen and vets in Kinder. Lola M would like to be a fairy when she grows up!
Some children were able to show some work from their Religion books. Kindergarten really enjoyed Fr Silas' visit!


Mia showing her beautiful work to the class.

Great work Liam!

Danica's favourite page in her book.


Great work Trey!

Fr Silas showing us a beautiful sunrise photo.



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