Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fr Silas visits St Paul's.

Last Friday, we were fortunate enough to have Fr Silas visit us from Nepal. He told us a lot about his country and people. We liked hearing about Mt Everest.
Fr Silas does a lot of good work for Caritas and Project Compassion. We talked about sponsoring a child and how our money helps the future of lots of children. He asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up... There are a lot of future policemen and vets in Kinder. Lola M would like to be a fairy when she grows up!
Some children were able to show some work from their Religion books. Kindergarten really enjoyed Fr Silas' visit!


Mia showing her beautiful work to the class.

Great work Liam!

Danica's favourite page in her book.


Great work Trey!

Fr Silas showing us a beautiful sunrise photo.



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